Saturday, May 2, 2009

JUJITSU - The Art of Self-Protection......

One of the most ancient of the martial arts in the world is Jujitsu. Jujutsu (also jujitsu, ju jitsu, ju jutsu, or jiu jitsu; from the Japanese 柔術 jūjutsu "gentle/yielding/compliant Art") is a Japanese martial art developed on the battlefields of feudal Japan by the legendary Samurai warriors.
The meaning of jutsu is "art, practice," and do means "principle" or "way," the Way being the concept of life itself. Jujutsu may be translated as "the gentle art"

Jiu Jitsu is an excellent form of self defence and is based on a wide and versatile range of techniques including locks, strikes and throws. In the past, Jujitsu techniques had been designed for action against men in armor and were greatly restricted. The older Jujitsu techniques were not designed to be used against a person in street clothes. The concept of off balancing one's opponent and using one's body in an efficient manner was also a new concept to martial arts.
Basic methods of attack include striking or hitting, punching or thrusting, kicking, throwing, pinning or immobilizing, strangling, and joint-locking.

Basic methods of defense, including blocking strikes or parrying, kicks and thrusts, receiving throws or joint-locking techniques releasing oneself from an enemy's grasp, and changing or shifting one's position to evade or neutralize an attack.

There are twenty-five physical principles and concepts of anatomical physics that you need to learn and understand to make your techniques work at maximum efficiency.
Starting with isolated skill development techniques, you will progress to a full set of tactics and fight plans and become familiar with the concept of combat phases. You will learn how to attack from any phase as well as how to react to your opponent.

Also, there are nine basic types of dodging techniques to master in Ju-Jitsu. These nine movement techniques include: Step Dodge (Kaishin); Side Dodge (Yoko Furimi); Backward Dodge (Sorimi); Pull-In Dodge (Hikimi); Circular Dodge (Ryusui); Jumping Retreat (Tobi Sagari); Sliding Retreat (Hiraki Sagari); Full-Turn Dodge (Zen Tenkan) & Half-Turn Dodge (Hon Tenkan).
As a sport that has evolved from a fighting art, it develops complete body control, fine balance, and fast reflexive action. Above all, it develops a sharp reacting mind well-coordinated with the same kind of body. Jujitsu is more than an art of attack and defense, is a mental and physical education based on a combat discipline that helps you to discover and strengthen your own capacity to take them to your daily life.

To truly understand Jiu-Jitsu and how to develop it to improve your health and martial arts performance takes an in-depth study and knowledge base. Your studies must be accompanied by meditation and exercise. Once you have discovered Jiu-Jitsu and developed it you will understand not only the martial applications but also the healing applications. There cannot be one without the other.

Enjoy, and in the words of Morihei Ueshiba:

"The Way of a Warrior is based on humanity, love, and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship.
Day after day train your heart out, refining your technique: Use the One to strike the Many! That is the discipline of the Warrior.

Techniques employ four qualities that reflect the nature of our world. Depending on the circumstance, you should be: hard as a diamond, flexible as a willow, smooth-flowing like water, or as empty as space."

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